February 04, 2013

Slaughterhouse-1, Drawing, 19" x 28", Conte and Acrylic on coloured Paper, 2013


  1. Dear Joy,

    May I please offer you my deepest respect for the drawing you have made?

    The image has an enormous intensity. I can hardly bear it. So I look away for a moment. But then it's your sensitivity and pure honesty, which is so visible, that draws me back.

    Love, Inge Justa :)

    P.S.: Very nice new blog lay-out, which makes sharing a piece of cake. Congratulations Joy!

  2. Dear Inge,

    I always admire your conscious and serious approach to creativity as I feel while I read your tiny but deeply sensitive intimate writings (‘image’).

    Thanks for showing same intimacy and close attention while you observe my work. I am grateful to you.

    You know, I thought often when I was working on this drawing that if had I not had to do it. But...

    Thank you for liking the new look of my blog.

    Joy :)

  3. Dear Joy,

    The work you make confronts me with myself (is this proper English?).
    It is not always pleasant to experience, still I long for it.

    Thanks Joy.


    Inge Justa :)

  4. Dear Inge,

    It pleases me that I can't make only pleasant works.

    I don't know whether I appreciate that confrontation or not, but I appreciate your longing.

    Thank you very much.

    Best regards,


    Joy :)
